



Villa gli Arcangeli

Our Outside Pictures

Take a look at some pretty pictures captured around our villa.

Our Inside Pictures

Take a look at some pretty pictures captured in our villa.

Surrounded by scenic beauty and fascinating tourist attractions, there are numerous destinations in Puglia that deserve to be visited. Here is a brief overview of some of them:


Experience the Life of Ostuni City

We will help you experience Ostuni life in its true sense. From living among the residents to eating authentic delicacies you are sure to walk home with memories and wonderful moments.

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What Our Guests Say

We take pride in serving our guests with the best experience. Read what they say.

"Our stay at Barbara’s property was nothing short of amazing! The outdoor living space and pool in itself is worth the booking. The house was so clean, private gate, espresso and waters in the fridge, tidy bathrooms, clean linens and more importantly - comfy beds! We can’t wait to come back to Ostuni and will look to stay here again".
"Placée au milieu des champs d’oliviers la maison est très jolie et bien fonctionnelle. Sur un seul niveau il y a tout ce qu’il faut : wifi, Clim par inverter, moustiquaires à toutes les fenêtres,….. La piscine et le jardin sont top le jour comme la nuit. Tout est très bien entretenu et de qualité. Petit cadeau de bienvenue de la part des propriétaires bien sympathique. Petit bémol sur l’organisation / sortie des poubelles et sur le check in un peu tard et le check out un peu tôt. Barbara et Antonio ont été supers. très réactifs à nos demandes. Un grand merci à eux pour leur accueil et disponibilité".
"Vi er en dansk familie på 5 - 2 voksne og 3 børn i alderen 17, 15 og 8 år. Vi har rejst meget og boet i mange forskellige huset og lejligheder, men det her var vi enige om slår dem alle sammen. Det ligger fantastisk - ikke for langt fra hverken byen eller havet, og der er rigelig plads til at man både kan være sammen og hver for sig. Barbara (værten) og Antonio (der står for hverdagen) var begge to formidable. Altid til gængelige og altid hjælpsomme, hvis vi havde brug for et tip til en restaurant eller et godt supermarked. Det er et fantastisk sted i dagslys - og magisk, når mørket falder på. Vi kan på det varmeste anbefale Barbaras villa!".
"House and location are absolutely incredible!! Full privacy and silence, so relaxing and makes you forget the rest of the world. House presents much better then on photos, they dont transmit you the magic of the place and its surrowndings. Very nice clean swimming pool, beautifull garden, comfy well organized fresh rooms, restrooms and kitchen, everything well organized and clean. We really enjoyed our barbeque dinners outside. We had a full access to the garden where we picked up aromatic herbs and fruits directly from the trees. There is a outdoor shower too. Our 1 year old loved to run outside barefoot. Barbara was very friendly, easy to communicate with, ready to help with any info or a special need. Besides we discovered she is very good with kids, she used to work in the kindergarden and our little one enjoyed hanging out with her some time. Ostuni is really worth to visit! So authentic but alive, lots of restaurants, bars, good food and wine. It was a very special 5 star stay!!!".
"We had a lovely time at the villa. What made the villa picture-perfect was the pool and the exterior grounds surrounding the villa. The location is ideal for visiting all the beautiful little towns nearby".